Congratulations on your new kayak fishing forum!!!

Hier könnt ihr über alles quatschen was sonst nirgends rein passt !
Okt 2011 12 03:49

Congratulations on your new kayak fishing forum!!!

Beitrag von redbeard

I hope you can translate this post. Congratulations on your new kayak fishing forum. I am an administrator for the Coastal Georgia Kayak Fishing site. We welcome you to register and post on our site. We all are very proud that you chose our site to pattern your site. We are very happy for you. Kayak fishing is a great sport and it spans the globe!!! I am using the Google translator to be able to register and post on your site. It is working well so far. Again, please come to our site and post on our forum. Hopefully, the translator will help overcome any language barrier.

Our site:" class="postlink

Your friend across the water,

Redbeard :D





Beiträge: 7216
Registriert: 4. Okt 2011, 16:02
Kayak-Pate: Nein
Wohnort: 24980 Wallsbüll
Okt 2011 12 10:20

Beitrag von Jogi

:wc: Redbeard :+++:
Der mit dem Dackel tanzt Bild
Beiträge: 261
Registriert: 5. Okt 2011, 11:41
Mein Kayak: Ocean Prowler Trident 15
Kayak-Pate: Nein
Wohnort: 20249 Hamburg
Alter: 60
Okt 2011 12 11:58

Beitrag von Dorsch-Schnappi

Redbeard, a warm welcome to our first German Kayak forum. :wc:

I am sure some of our members will also register to your forum to create a global kayak network.

By the way: Nice Ocean Kayak and nice fish :+++:

Best regards
Petri Heil,

Ocean Prowler Trident 15 Angler
Beiträge: 404
Registriert: 5. Okt 2011, 08:05
Mein Kayak: Jackson Cuda 12
Kayak-Pate: Nein
Alter: 55
Okt 2011 12 12:22

Beitrag von archi69

Hey, let´s organize a kayak-forum-member-meeting :D

We meet us in the seems that is........atlantic :shock:
Georg Siefkes
Okt 2011 12 12:38

Re: Congratulations on your new kayak fishing forum!!!

Beitrag von Georg Siefkes

Hi Redbeard !

A warm welcome, too :)

I hope this is the beginning of a very beneficial exchange of experiences an ideas. Ideally with a lot of fun :D
You got a very nice forum and of cause places to fish we just can dream of.

A shark caught from a Kayak :shock:

.... well, as soon as I'm grown up I'll try that ;)

redbeard hat geschrieben: Kayak fishing is a great sport and it spans the globe!!!
It is :!: Now you got a new member from Denmark ;) :D :D
Okt 2011 13 16:13

Re: Congratulations on your new kayak fishing forum!!!

Beitrag von redbeard

Georg Siefkes hat geschrieben:Hi Redbeard !

A warm welcome, too :)

I hope this is the beginning of a very beneficial exchange of experiences an ideas. Ideally with a lot of fun :D
You got a very nice forum and of cause places to fish we just can dream of.

A shark caught from a Kayak :shock:

.... well, as soon as I'm grown up I'll try that ;)

redbeard hat geschrieben: Kayak fishing is a great sport and it spans the globe!!!
It is :!: Now you got a new member from Denmark ;) :D :D

Thank you for the warm welcome!!! I was really honored to see that you have reciprocated and registered on our forum!!! This is fantastic. I am really looking forward to sharing stories, photos, and fishing tales. What you see in the photos are two different Ocean Kayaks. The one on the beach is my original Malibu Two that I bought when I first got into kayak fishing about nine or ten years ago. I like it for ocean fishing because it is open in the front and easy to boat larger fish. The photo with the striped bass across my lap is of my Ocean Kayak Prowler Big Game. I use it fishing in freshwater lakes where I use my fish finder. As far as catching a shark from the kayak, just don't try to land one that is larger than the kayak!!! Please feel free to post on our site and share information and fishing stories with us. We are very glad to have you on board!!!!

Redbeard :D
verstorben am 12.02.19
Beiträge: 5862
Registriert: 4. Okt 2011, 13:28
Mein Kayak: FeelFree Lure 11.5
Kayak-Pate: Ja
Wohnort: 23775 Großenbrode
Okt 2011 14 19:37

Beitrag von MarioSchreiber

Ich hoffe das wir uns noch oft austauschen !

Okt 2011 14 20:16

Your video

Beitrag von redbeard

MarioSchreiber hat geschrieben:Ich hoffe das wir uns noch oft austauschen !
Terrific!!!! Please post on our forum for the members to see. Looks an awfully lot like one of our outings!!! Sleepy heads and all!!!

Redbeard :D
Beiträge: 7216
Registriert: 4. Okt 2011, 16:02
Kayak-Pate: Nein
Wohnort: 24980 Wallsbüll
Okt 2011 14 20:23

Beitrag von Jogi

Mario dat Video ist nicht zu sehen :cry:
Der mit dem Dackel tanzt Bild
verstorben am 12.02.19
Beiträge: 5862
Registriert: 4. Okt 2011, 13:28
Mein Kayak: FeelFree Lure 11.5
Kayak-Pate: Ja
Wohnort: 23775 Großenbrode
Okt 2011 14 20:27

Beitrag von MarioSchreiber

Jogi hat geschrieben:Mario dat Video ist nicht zu sehen :cry:
Doch jogi !
Muss an dir liegen !
verstorben am 12.02.19
Beiträge: 5862
Registriert: 4. Okt 2011, 13:28
Mein Kayak: FeelFree Lure 11.5
Kayak-Pate: Ja
Wohnort: 23775 Großenbrode
Okt 2011 14 20:34

Re: Your video

Beitrag von MarioSchreiber

redbeard hat geschrieben:...Terrific!!!! Please post on our forum for the members to see. Looks an awfully lot like one of our outings!!! Sleepy heads and all!!!

Redbeard :D
been done ;)

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