LiskaJan hat geschrieben:Hello,
I would like to come to the competition with 2 friends. I do not speak German, so I don t know how to register.
Names: Jan Liska, Borek Zajicek, Vit Bardon. We are from Czech Republic.
Can please somebody explain to me important stuff about the event? Thanks a lot.
Tight lines
Hello Jan,

to the board. The KFO 2013 is not a competition. It is a private event where poeple who are interested in kayak fishing can meet and share their experiences. So the intension is to have a lot of fun, catch some fish and meet some crazy guys with the same hobby.
I think it should be no problem that you do not speak German - kayak fishing is an international hobby without any borders

So you and your friends are really welcome to join us. I will add your names to the list of participants at the end of this this post.
So you are automatically registered now.
I do not know if you want to join us the whole weekend and if you have a tent or a caravan for sleeping. I propose to pre-register at the camp site. If you need any help please let us know.
By the way, if you do not speak German use the following icons:
Then everybody understands what you mean
1. MarioSchreiber
2. Jogi Anreise 19.05. Abreise 26.05
3. kulti007 (mit Frau und Kind)
4. vatas-sohn
5. mariosr (Mario Sanz)
6. Snakesfreak
7. AppA
8. Kniggers
9. gobio Anreise 24.05 abreise 26.05 abends
10. Odery
11. Jörg Liebig
12. MAD 0 eins
13. seatrout
14. Sturmmöwe Absage da Urlaub gestrichen wurde
15. inchi-69
16. Kveite 23.05. - 26.05.
17. Aragorn
18. Blinkermaxe
19. Maxe sien Fru
20. Electric
21. Kapitän Ahab
22. Oliver
23. Eddy
24. Angelgeiler
25. Störtebeker
28.wobbler michi
30. Carnot
31. DJSchossi
32. Jeff
33. truttiplatsch
34. Blindfischer
35. addy
36. Henne
37. Dorsch-Schnappi
38. Papa
42. liwu72
43. Maze
44. dirkbuggy
45. creativefisher
46. marsvin
47. Garnele
48. Kingfish
49.PeterausN Anreise 18.05, Abreise 01.06
53. Fischfischer
54. catawest1
55. catawest2
56. catawest3
57. Niels Karwen
58. matze
59. DirtyDevil70
60. revierratte
61. Grabow
63.blechkate (Raphaela, Matthias und Paul)
64. Angelfreund Hadi
65. Jan Liska
66. Borek Zajicek
67. Vit Bardon